Friday, June 18, 2010

Underway - Day 2 - morning

Good morning my happy blog followers. Here's my update on our journey early this morning.

We stopped at the rest stop on mile marker 157 on rt 81 in Pennsylvania at three this morning, with intentions of napping until dawn. Well dawn broke but we didn't. Actually I didn't get any sleep. The trailer parking there was full and being a good 42' parking spots are hard to come by. We managed to pull off of the on ramp back to the highway, on the highway side of the road. With every tractor trailer that roared past the camper shook, and I kept having visions of one running off the road and into us. I actually jumped up a few times hearing them hit the rumble strip fersher we were gonnerz.

We got a wake-up text at 5am from the other half of the group who stopped 164 miles ahead of us. I hit the alarm and went back to a hoping I'll sleep stage, now FREEZING cause I didn't want to break out the down comforter just yet. An hour and half later I opened my eye to the bright sun and beautiful fog hovering in the hills.

As soon as I sat up I knew it was going to be a suckie morning. Nauseas and dizzy :-/ It held it's yucky grip for an hour or so, but has subsided a little bit. I haven't been feeling well all week but figured it's just from nerves and anxiety. I'm now realizing I'm pretty dehydrated, and I don't think popping handfuls of gummi bears helped las night. Could also be a migrain that could have been triggered last nigt fro
driving in the dark with all the bright reflectors flashing by mixed with aspertaime (which gets me every time) So crackers and water for me today.

Nothing else to report really. Passed few army convoys but that's about it. Oh and before you bitch about Massachusetts' highways... Pennsylvania's suck more!

Reporting from mile marker 310 on 81s in Virginia! Only 150 miles behind schedule.

~ Another Day, Another Adventure ;-)


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